Friday, March 26, 2021

Education system in 10 ASEAN countries


Education system in 10 ASEAN countries

1.Education in Thailand

Education in Thailand This study is organized by the Ministry of Education of Thailand. The public sector will take care of it directly and allow the private sector to participate in education from early childhood to tertiary education. For compulsory studies in Thailand, Thais must have completed at least secondary school. And attended school at the latest at age 7. This is part of the basic education.

2. Education in Laos

Lao education management began with education in kindergarten and preschool level. Kindergarten in Laos has both government-owned and private schools, open to students from 3-6 years old, takes 3 years, divided into kindergarten 1-3 level. Since Laos changed its rule in 1975, Laos has adopted an 11-year education system, the 5: 3: 3 system.

3. Education in Singapor

Singapore Education defines 10 years of basic education as compulsory education. In order for all children to be at least 10 years in the school system before leaving for work, ie 6 years of elementary school and 4 years of secondary education, children must be enrolled at the age of 6. University Preparation for the next 2 years. Compulsory education of Singapore must simultaneously learn two languages: English as the primary language And choose to study another mother tongue, Chinese, Malay or Tamile

4. Education in Vietnam

 Vietnamese education

Currently, Vietnam has 5 characteristics of educational management:

1. Pre-School Education

Consists of raising children For children 6 months to 3 years old and kindergarten for 3-5 years old.

2. General Education (5-4--3)

Primary education is compulsory education for 5 years, grades 1-5.

Junior high school level is 6-9.

High school level is class 10-12.

3. Technical and vocational education There are comparable at both the middle and high school levels.

4. Higher education It is divided into Associate degree and Degree level.

5. Continuing Education It is education for people who miss an educational opportunity in the general and vocational system.

5. Education in Brunei

Brunei Darussalam does not have compulsory education, but education is international and is free for the general public.Education is divided into 1 year pre-primary, 6 years of primary, 7-8 years of secondary education, which is divided into secondary education. At the beginning of 3 years, high school 2-3 years and at the preparatory level 2 years and university level 3-4 years.

6. Education in Cambodia

Political and socio-economic changes led to Cambodia's educational discussions. Prior to 1975, Cambodia, the British education system, which provided 13 years of compulsory education

(6 + 4 + 2 + 1). And later expanded to 11 years and was used for reproduction from 1986 to 1996

7. Education in Myanmar

Ministry of Education of Myanmar Is responsible for the administration of the country's education. Use the education system as a 5: 4: 2 system as follows.

• 5 years of elementary education (Kindergarten 1 year and Primary 4 years)

Junior high school 4 years

High school 2 years

And vocational education, 1- 3 years, higher education, 4 -6 years

Department of Basic Education of Myanmar It is the department responsible for policy planning and education administration. Pre-primary, secondary, and teacher training were originally organized into a centralized administrative system. Later, the administrative power was distributed to the state and provincial levels. With the head of the respective education section Is a supervisor and coordinator The state sponsors the budget of all schools. The students will pay tuition fees only at the upper secondary level.

8. Education in the philippines

The education system of the Philippines is both formal and informal. There are three levels of formal education in formal education: primary education. Secondary and tertiary levels At the elementary level, it takes six years of compulsory education at a government school or Seven years in a private school, in addition to early childhood education courses where students can

Can choose to study this level includes Kindergarten and possibly a preparatory course. Elementary Education Students between three or four years of age must first be enrolled in a nursery. School age up to 5-6 years old will be promoted to first grade.

9. Education in Malaysia

The educational administration system of Malaysia is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, categorized into 5 levels: national, state, district, school group level and school level. The administration of education at the national level is the responsibility of the Federal Government. Education of all types and levels is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. Only one ministry Except for education that is a non-formal education, there will be departments from other relevant ministries responsible for example the Department of Labor, Department of Agriculture, etc.

10.Education in Indonesia

The educational system in the school consists of the following levels of education: basic education. Secondary education

And higher education In addition to the education level mentioned above Preschool education is also available to prepare children. Methodical basic education takes 9 years, with 6 years of study and 3 years of pre-stage.There is an institute for the training of principles of skill development in the palace that litters members of society in the country and the world. With stepping into world-class education

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Archaeological sites in 10 ASEAN countries

Archaeological sites in 10 ASEAN countries

Historic City of Ayutthaya
Ayutthaya is the second capital city of Thailand, built in AD 1350 (AD 1893) after Sukhothai. The city was destroyed by Burma in the 18th century (the 23rd century).

Prambanan Temple Compounds

Prambanan Temple Group Live in indonesia This area, built in the 10th century (15th century), is the largest Hindu temple to worship Lord Shiva in Indonesia. Above the center of the square area are 3 churches with carvings telling the story of Ramayana. To dedicate to the three great gods of Hinduism (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and animal gods.

Baroque Churches of the Philippines

Baroque Churches of the Philippines… The four churches, the first built by the Spaniards in the late 16th century (21st century), are located in Manila, Santa Maria, Paohai, and Miagao. Its unique architecture is a display of European baroqueism by Chinese and Filipino craftsmen.

Melaka and George Town, Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca

Melaka and George Town Live in Thalesia The city has developed over 500 years of trade and cultural exchange between East and West on the Straits of Malacca. Asian and European influences have mixed cultures. Government buildings, churches, squares and forts provide a glimpse of Melaka's early history. Which originated from the Malay sultanate In the 15th century (20th century Buddhist)

My Son Sanctuary
My Son Sanctuary is located in Vietnam. It is an archaeological site that spans between the 4th-13th century (9th-18th Buddhist century), a unique cultural identity that originated from India's Hindu religion that developed along the coast of Vietnam at the same time. Shows the remains of the temple that is a tall tower It is situated in the picturesque area of ​​the political and religious capital of most of the Cham Empire.

Temple of Preah Vihear
This place is located on a high hill above the plains of the Khmer. This castle was built in honor of Shiva. The temple consists of a continuous line of buildings connected by a curved balcony. And stairs that are more than 800 meters long and go back to the first half of the 11th century (the 16th century), however, the history is complex. It may be traced back to the 9th century (Buddhist 14th century), when this place was discovered.

Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within the Champasak Cultural Landscape
Prasat Stone, Wat Phu and nearby structures in Champasak Province Located in Laos Cultural landscape of Champasak and the grounds of Wat Phu It is a landscape that has been well planned and preserved for over 1,000 years. It is a form of Hinduism that has a relationship between nature and humans. Take the axis from the hilltop to the river bank, showing the pattern of the waterworks monastery on an area of ​​10 square kilometers

Singapore Botanic Gardens
For over a hundred and fifty years, the Singapore Botanic Gardens have been the world leader in orchid research. It is also a vast natural landscape in the heart of the city today, the park is one of the few remaining green spaces in a dense urban center. And as a recreation center for both city people and tourists Spanning 183 acres (74 hectares), the Singapore Botanic Gardens are an outdoor getaway for nature lovers and the whole family.

Pyu Ancient Cities

The ancient cities of the Pyu Kingdom (Pyu Ancient Cities) were declared as the country's first World Cultural Heritage Site in 1974. The year 2014 includes the cities of the ancient city of Sri Ksetra, Peikthanomyo, and Halingyi, built in ancient times around the fourth Buddhist temple, the ancient city of Phyu. Phue Established Chum Phae to chumae in the Irrawaddy for about 1,000 years, with the things that struck the lotus.

Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

The mosque is the oldest. This one of Brunei lies in the heart of Bandar Seri Begawan. It is considered the most important Islamic place of worship in Brunei. It was built in honor of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III, the 28th King of Brunei, who designed and built the Missyid himself. In front of the mosque is a lake, with the Mahligai ship floating in front of it.

Education system in 10 ASEAN countries

  Education system in 10 ASEAN countries 1.Education in Thailand Education in Thailand This study is organized by the Ministry of Educatio...